Mar 18Liked by Edrith

Thanks for the read. I was an applicant this year, who failed to get beyond the first stage (three online exercises). I was scored higher than majority in the numerical reasoning test, and the work style test, but average in the interpersonal test. I didn’t realise that in the interpersonal test you basically had to say you were good at everything! I passed through many more stages of comparable graduate schemes, although that isn’t necessarily that indicative. I’ll apply again next year, but expect that if I do join the civil service, I will do so directly.

I’m in my final year at a top 10 university. The majority of my talented university friends are not aware of the fast stream, or indeed a career in the civil service, as being a viable career route for them, due to the poor remuneration and the idea (/misconception) that working in government isn’t for them (if they are an engineer or a scientist). A few of those scientists/engineers are being snapped up by the armed forces, though.

The FDA ran good, virtual, sessions on how the application process would work for my university, but not many people attended, despite good promotion.

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Thanks for sharing! And best of luck next year.

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"Training really did used to be gold standard" -> use

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Pretty sure 'used' is correct here.

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You may well be right. The internet has lots of "no, it's 'did use to', not 'did used to', because it's the infinitive, but lots of people get it wrong because it's pronounced the same", but I think in your usage it's past tense, not infinitive, and therefore that you're right and I'm wrong.

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You have me doubting myself now! Having looked it up you may be right.

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