From the Archives
I've added an Archive page to the blog. I've listed below five of my favourite or most read posts from 'ye olden days'.
I've added an Archive page to the blog.
If you like what you read here, you can help by sharing what I write (I rely on word of mouth for my audience). You can also ensure you never miss a post, by entering your email address into the subscription form below.
I had enough posts now it seemed worth doing. As I've had quite a few people start reading this blog since last time I was posting regularly (early 2023), I've listed below five of my favourite or most read posts from 'ye olden days'.
On leaving the Civil Service. Written a year after I left, this still remains my most read post and the one that is found most often by Google. Four years on from when I wrote it, I continue to agree with what I wrote there. While I still think the civil service was a great place to work, and would recommend it to people considering a career, there's no doubt that leaving has been right for me in terms of fulfilment, enjoyment and financially.
Post-Modernism and the Devil. A short piece about the move to a post-truth society which - with various trends on both sides continuing their logical trajectory - now seems even more relevant than when I wrote it.
Some thoughts on the Culture Wars. From the long-ago time of 2018, some early thoughts of mine on the so-called culture wars. Sadly, almost all the trends identified there have since got significantly worse so, as with the post above, it seems more relevant than ever.
No Car is Better than a Bad Car. I wrote a lot of posts about Brexit so this couldn't be a good round-up without including at least one. I don't fancy refighting the Brexit Wars blow by blow, so I thought I'd include a lighter-hearted one, based around Alice and Bob arguing in a car showroom.
The Last Battle: A Great but Flawed Work. The final post I've chosen to showcase is away from politics, representing the section of the blog that is about books and films. This post explores the flaws of the Last Battle - but why it remains a great and impressive work, nonetheless.
Enjoy exploring these, and the rest.
Finally, a few months in to the new blog, I've settled on a rhythm of posting. I'm going to try to do one longer post - such as the recent ones on Dahl, or Beren and Luthien - and one shorter post - such as this, or on something more personal - each week. I may not always succeed.
As always, if you like what you read here, you can help by sharing what I write (I rely on word of mouth for my audience). You can also ensure you never miss a post, by entering your email address into the subscription form below.