If you haven't already done so, click here to take my alignment survey, answering whether various real, historical and fictional individuals are good or evil, lawful or chaotic. The survey will remain open until 10 December, with results appearing shortly afterwards.
Thank you to the eagle-eyed participants who've managed to spot two errors in this year's Christmas Quiz.
Q30 should be T3 G6 P5
Q32 should be T3 I9 F3 F6 S7
Q52 should be H3 P8 P6 F3 T3 F6
Any further errata will be posted here, on this blog - if you enter your email into the box you will receive an email each time I post. Answers will be available from Epiphany, also from here, with honour and glory to the highest scoring individual or team.
As this post is so brief, why not check out one of my recent posts:
The Lantern Bearer, A Personal Tribute to Nick Gibb - on the 2010 school reforms and long-serving Schools Minister Nick Gibb's personal contribution to it.
Fair and/or Progressive - on when things that are progressive are not perceived as fair, and vice-versa.
Can this Cockpit Hold the Vasty Fields of Gondor? - a review of the Lord of the Rings Musical, with some diversions through the book and films.