Christmas Quiz XIV
Christmas Quiz XIV is now available to download!
This year the theme is sequences: mathematical, historical, literary and many more. As always, all reference sources are permitted.
Answers will be available from Epiphany from this site with honour and glory to the highest scoring individual/team. If you wish for a chance at victory or the honour roll, please send me your completed answers by 11:59pm GMT on 5th January.
Good luck and have fun!
More information about my Christmas Quizzes can be found here.
All errata are corrected in the version currently available to download from this page. All errors refer to previous versions.
- Q88 originally read 'Trinidad, Honolulu, Mississippi'. It should read 'Trinidad, Mississippi, Honolulu'.
- Q52 now has the correct spelling of Sydney.
-Q43: the fourth term should have 5040 in the denominator, not 504.
-Q100: I have accidentally given the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 5th terms here. You therefore need to identify the fourth term (between Dark and Time).
-Q19: The second term should be Attack not War.
- Various minor formatting corrections.