Call for Guest Bloggers
A call for those who'd like to write a guest post for this site. In particular, I would be interested in featuring:
1) Posts on political/economic topics that I think are important to explore, am not opposed to, and interesting enough to what to know more about but not interesting enough to do all the research myself. For example:
Universal basic income.
Fiscally neutral land value taxes.
How to really build more houses without destroying green spaces.
Non-hair-shirted ways of effectively increasing carbon reduction at the whole system level; e.g. changes to feed in tariffs, supporting an electric vehicle network, etc
Merging income tax and national insurance.
Ideally posts would look at numbers and analysis, rather than purely being polemical.
2) Alternative takes on political/social topics featured on this blog, provided they are in line with the blog's overall spirit and direction. For example, I'd be happy to feature a left-wing defence of free speech, a Remainer's view on the best way to deliver Brexit by 31 October, or a view from other political traditions on societal polarisation and how reduce it, but I won't have a primary post whose main objective I fundamentally disagree with (that's what the comments or people's own blogs are for).
3) Book reviews. If it's a book you'd recommend to me (and I don't reject it at first sight), I'd be happy to feature a review of it.
4) Personal projects. If you're a personal friend and you've written a book, made a board game, are creating art works for sale, have your own business or anything else of that nature, I'd be happy for you to write a guest post about it.
5) Anything else you'd like to write about that you think readers of this blog would find interesting.
Any ideas, message me (or email, Messenger, etc.).