Announcing the Twelve Quizzes of Christmas!
Every year for a dozen years I've produced a Christmas Quiz, with an increasing number of people doing it each year. My back catalogue and list of winners can be found here.
This autumn I'll be releasing The Twelve Quizzes of Christmas, a compilation of all twelve quizzes, available in paperback and ebook form from all good Amazon websites near you. An ideal coffee table or bathroom book - and the ideal Christmas present for anyone in your life who enjoys puzzles and quizzes.
The book will feature the original twelve quizzes, lightly edited to remove typos and errors and, for a small number of questions, update (or replace) outdated references or questions that were only answerable if you know me. There will be six cryptic quizzes - London Underground, Cities, Books, Surnames of MPs, Geographical Features and Animals - and six number based quizzes - 7 D in a W, First Letters and Numbers, Sequences, Pairs, Date Series and First Letters and Numbers Redux. The book will of course include the answers, as well as a small selection of reference materials.
So watch this space and get ready to put in your orders and pre-orders - an emergency Christmas present or two never goes wrong!
P.S. For avid Christmas Quiz watchers, Christmas Quiz XIII will still be appearing as scheduled on the first day of Advent, with a theme of countries and regions (cryptic).