2018: First Year of the New Blog
A short look back on my blogging over 2018.
I started blogging again in April 2018. In the roughly nine months of that year I wrote just over 95 blog posts, received just over 10,000 views and 214 comments (though some people also comment on Facebook and Twitter). December was the most visited month, with just over 1,800 views - driven, as always by the Christmas Quiz - while the most popular single post was about the TEF card game, followed by some of the posts about Brexit. I have 22 followers and somewhere between 50 - 100 regular readers, based on the unique visitors on days that I post content.
I succeeded in my aim to post 2-3 times a week and the average post has 625 words. I've written 22 posts about politics, 16 about books, 11 about education and 8 about society, as well as a smaller number on various other topics. I've written about most of the things I wanted to, though the analysis of basic income is still waiting in the wings. And I'm pleased to have been able to link to my contributions on Wonkhe and Conservative Home, as well as to introduce a guest blogger programme - do let me know if you'd like to write a guest blog in 2019.
Overall it's been a good first year - and a big thank you to all the readers, commenters who've helped to contribute to the community. Here's to another fun year of blogging in 2019!